Friday, August 22, 2008

Habits of Lifelong Learners

Well, here I am thinking about the seven and a half habits of highly successful lifelong learners and trying to decide which one is most difficult for me...

I think Habit 3: "view problems as challenges" is the one I struggle most with. It is easy to get frustrated when trying to learn new things and just give up - though I am getting better at it! I look forward to going through the Learn & Play @ CML program to stretch myself in new ways and maybe even learn a little bit about myself and how I learn best.

If nothing else, I anticipate that I will start to understand new ways of communication and social networking and be able to meet some of our more tech-savvy customers right where they are. I can't wait!


Christiana said...

I was looking through the CML participants and saw Nerdfighter Librarian. I was already excited there was another CML Nerdfighter and then I found out it was my CML Christiana twin, making it even cooler! Yay nerdfighters!

Megan Engelhardt said...

Hey, Christiana! This is Megan from Parsons - I didn't know you were a nerdfighter! Good to know. :)

luv2read said...

I found you! And I am not sure what else to say... So, I'll come up with something more exciting to say in my next comment.


I think Maxine has rubbed of on me.


fredblue said...

I found you too. Tatjana is copying my stuff.